Friday, June 11, 2010
Sleeping for 11 hours could make a child intelligent
Do you want your child to do well in school? Make them get used to always sleep on time every night.
The latest research results of experts in the United States shows, a good sleeping patterns makes children more intelligent. Compared to children who do not sleep regularly, those who always rest on scheduled have better language, reading, and math skills in school.
This is the result of an independent research by scientists at SRI International, which involved 8000 children aged 4 years. One of the conclusions outlined in the Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting also mentioned that children who sleeps on an average less than 11 hours each day showed less good ability.
In the study, researchers analyzed information about children’s sleep through interviews with parents. This information is collected when the children were 9 months old and was repeated when they reach the age of four.
Research leader Dr. Erika Gaylor stated, the research data also reveals many children in the U.S. who do not meet the needs of their sleep. As a result, these children experienced an interruption in growth and are difficult to achieve in school.
She recommends parents to arrange an appropriate sleeping schedule so that children can achieve healthy sleep quality. Parents also need to spend some time interacting with children in bed on a regular basis, such as reading books or storytelling.
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