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Monday, May 17, 2010

Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)

Posted by Anonymous | Monday, May 17, 2010 | Category: |

Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)
growth factor in health and nutrition refers to a substance that builds the immune system.  Chlorella has the ability to quadruple in quantity every 20 hours, which no other plant on Earth can do.  It is programmed into its DNA to do so and it is the Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) that is responsible for this ability.  CGF causes children and young animals to grow at an accelerated rate and damaged tissue to significantly increase its rate of healing.  However, even after extensive research, exactly how all the various components of the CGF work together to perform such miraculous feats in the body still remains a deep mystery.  CGF works synergistically and is far more than just the sum of its individual parts.  CGF is the healthiest substance known because it is the most powerful component of the most potent food in the world, comprising approximately 3% of the Chlorella cell. CGF is 100% water soluble, which makes it bio-available or easily absorbed by the body.

Children fed Chlorella in a long-term study had healthy, cavity-free teeth, fewer colds and improved intellectual capacity.  The children, who were chosen because they were smaller than they should have been for their age, more than made up for their disadvantages and even grew taller than other children in the control group who were not fed CGF.[i]
CGF stimulates tissue repair, even if it has been ulcerated or damaged and has resisted traditional healing methods.  It can even be used topically on cuts and lacerations to accelerate healing.  CGF has proven effective against memory loss, depression and other psychiatric diseases.                              
CGF is made up of many valuable nutritional substances, some of which are not found in any other foods.  They are amino acids, amino peptides, water-soluble proteins, heavy metal binding proteins, glycoprotein (immune system builders), the vitamin B-complex and other vitamins, minerals, glutathione resembling substances, RNA/DNA, immune polysaccharides, phytohormones, natural growth factors, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial substances.

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